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2023 National Chinese EXPO of Student Works 

The American Academy of International Culture and Education (AAICE) is pleased to announce the 2023 National Chinese EXPO of Student Works . This online event will be held from October through the beginning of January, 2024. All U.S. K-12 and college-level Chinese language learners are invited to participate as individuals and/or as a part of a school group. 

The first round of selected student works will be exhibited on the EXPO website for public viewing, and the second (final) round of selected works will be showcased in a synchronous online exhibition and celebration. Students and schools whose works are selected for the final exhibition will be recognized and awarded with non-monetary gifts. 

All educators from state-accredited K-12 schools and colleges in the U.S. are welcome to recommend their students to participate. Each teacher may recommend up to 10 pieces of their students’ work in each grade-level group in the individual category and 2 pieces in the group category. Each school can recommend up to 5 pieces of student works.



提交作品不分语言水平,按年级段分为5组,内容分为语言类、才艺类和学科类,展现学生对中华语言及文化的学习成果。成果展主要目的是扩大参与,选拔作品不分名次,第一阶段将选择大约200件作品入围,在文教学会成果展专属网站公开展览,第二阶段将选择约100件作品在1月27日或28日参加直播大展和庆祝会。优秀作品除在网站上公开展示外,部分作品也会在Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok 等社交媒体上发表。


  • Motivate students to further develop their understanding of Chinese language and culture

  • Promote cultural understanding between the peoples of China and the United States and help students become cultural ambassadors

  • Facilitate professional learning and dialogue among Chinese language and culture educators 

  • 鼓励学生进一步发展他们对中国语言和文化的理解

  • 促进中美两国人民的文化了解,帮助学生成为文化大使

  • 促进中国语言文化教育工作者的专业学习和交流

Content and Forms

The overarching theme for the EXPO is “The Joy of Chinese Language and Culture Learning.”  Students can develop their own topics and areas of interest. Student works can be expressed via a variety of artistic forms and vehicles, but with the exception of videos, all document files (such as posters, slide decks, pictures, and so on) must be converted into a single PDF file for uploading. All student works must be in Chinese or exemplify Chinese culture. Examples include:

全美中文教育成果展的主题是“中文之乐”。学生可以进一步扩展自己的副主题和感兴趣的领域。 学生作品可以通过多种艺术形式和载体表达。除视频外,所有文档文件(如海报、幻灯片、图片等)都必须转换为单个 PDF 文件才能上传。 所有学生作品必须是中文的或体现中国文化的。 示例包括:


Language 语言类展示

Skits, jokes, monologues, storytelling, rap, tongue twisters, speeches, recitation, and so on


Culture 文化才艺类展示


Folk dance, musical instrument performance, martial arts, calligraphy, painting, writing, vocal performance, and so on


Content Areas 学科作品类展示


Posters, models, dramatic performances, art design, and so on

* Student works cannot have been previously exhibited at other events or occasions, such as competitions or public media.

* 学生作品在此之前不能在其他活动或场合展出,比如比赛或其他媒体平台。


Participants are grouped by grade levels:

Grades K-2

Grades 3 – 5

Grades 6 -8

Grades 9-12

College Level



Teacher fills out the Teacher Recommendation Form



Teacher receives the Teacher Recommendation Code for each student and sends the codes to students



Students fill out the application forms and submit the videos with individual recommendation codes



Students get confirmation email from NCESW

Organizing Committee


Dates to Remember

October 20– NOVEMBER 30

Online application and submission

of student works


Notification to participants whose works were selected for the final online showcase and celebration


First round of selected student works displayed in online exhibition

JANUARY 27 and 28

Online showcase and celebration

Selection Criteria
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Selection Process

Student’s works will be reviewed by the Selection Committee.

About 200 pieces of student work will be selected for the online exhibition.

About 100 pieces of student work will be selected for the online showcase and celebration.

  • Certificates of achievement will be awarded to all participants.

  • Commemorative gifts will be awarded to students whose works are selected for publication on the NCESW website and celebrated in the online final showcase and celebration.

  • Schools that have group works included in the final showcase will be awarded a trophy.

  • Certificates of appreciation will be awarded to all teachers.  Teachers whose students’ works are selected for publication on the NCESW website will receive a commemorative gift; Teachers whose students’ works are selected for the final showcase celebration will receive a gift certificate.

  • Selected works may be posted in social media platforms,such as Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok, etc. for promotional purposes. 

  • 所有参与成果展活动的学生都将获得纪念证书。

  • 作品入围在成果展网站发表并入选全美成果展直播大展作品的学生将获得纪念品。

  • 入选全美成果展直播大展的团体作品所在学校将获得奖杯。

  • 所有参与成果展活动学生的教师都将获得纪念证书。学生作品入围在成果展网站发表的教师将获得纪念品;学生作品入选全美成果展直播大展的教师将获得礼券。

  • 优秀作品除在网站上公开展示外,部分作品也会在Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok 等社交媒体上发表.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

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